2nd Annual Connecticut Risk Management Conference: Aligning Risk Management with Strategy

The second annual Connecticut Risk Management Conference will be hosted by the UConn School of Business at the Stamford Marriott in Stamford, Connecticut on November 14, 2013. This year’s conference, Aligning Risk Management with Strategy, has been designed to bring together professionals engaged in risk management, senior management, and regulators, as well as faculty members and students in UConn’s MS in Financial Risk Management (MSFRM)* program. 

“For a second year in a row, we have put together a conference with a very relevant, timely and broad theme. While more attention is being paid to risk management, risk management operating in a vacuum, without aligning with company strategy, is of no help to an organization. Attendees at this conference will hear a range of speakers and panels discuss better alignment with strategy,” says Jud Saviskas, executive director for the School of Business at UConn Stamford.

Sessions emphasize the strategic goals and implications underlying risk management policy, and will be presented by senior executives from TIAA-CREF, GE Capital, UConn School of Business, UConn School of Law, IBM, Northeast Utilities, UIL Holdings, Con Edison, National Grid, CEB Risk Management Leadership Council, Toronto Hydro, and more. Topics include:

  • The New Normal Challenges in Managing a Diversified Retirement Portfolio
  • Analysis of Real World Signals
  • Meaningful Delivery of Risk Management
  • Managing Compliance Risk
  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  • Using ERM to Improve Strategic Decisions

Last year’s event, New Challenges and Opportunities, attracted over 160 participants. “Based on the discussions we had that day, I believe it was one of the most valuable conferences I’ve attended in recent years,” says David Fourqurean, senior vice president and operational risk manager at Wells Fargo, who participated as both an attendee and a panelist.

The 2013 conference, organized by UConn’s highly successful MSFRM graduate degree program, is being sponsored by several multinational corporations in the greater Stamford and Hartford, Connecticut areas. Corporate sponsors continue to be considered, including financial institutions and risk management product and service providers. Contact us for details on sponsorship costs.

Who should attend?
While all are welcome to attend, the conference is best suited for those working in the financial/regulatory sectors, in a financial position, or anyone who is part of the accounting or consulting communities which deal with risk management.

Event Details

Second Annual Connecticut Risk Management Conference: Aligning Risk Management with Strategy
Thursday, November 14, 2013
7:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Stamford Marriott
Stamford, Connecticut

Registration is $100 ($75 for CFA members, $50 for current UConn students) and includes all sessions, breakfast, and lunch.

More information

  • Schedule
  • Session descriptions
  • Speaker biographies
  • Download PDF of event information

Join or follow the Twitter conversation: #UConnRiskConf

For more information about this event, contact Caitlin Orocu at 203-251-8475 or corocu@business.uconn.edu.

*The Master of Science in Financial Risk Management (MSFRM) program at the UConn School of Business is a 15-month program offered on both the Hartford and Stamford, Connecticut campuses. MSFRM is designed for business professionals who want to enhance their careers by fully understanding how to identify and manage various types of risk faced by multinational firms. Learn more at msfrm.uconn.edu.