Partners With UConn School of Business’ MSBAPM Program for Data Challenge

Pictured L to R: Data Challenge winners Dilip Sagar Manjunath, Jennifer Eigo, Daniel Silvis, and Chandra Karri.
Pictured L to R: Data Challenge winners Dilip Sagar Manjunath, Jennifer Eigo, Daniel Silvis, and Chandra Karri. leverages data to solve today’s most complex eCommerce problems. On November 12, the online travel company partnered with UConn’s MS in Business Analytics and Project Management (MSBAPM) program to kick off a data challenge. During the two-week challenge, 17 teams of students had the opportunity to analyze and build predictive models of a subset of hotel search and book data.

Out of the 50+ students who participated in the challenge, 11 students (three teams) were advanced to the final round. The finalists presented their findings to a panel of analysts, senior and executive management at includingย Michael Diliberto, CIO andย Bryan Lewis, CFO.

“ is proud to partner with UConn’s School of Business… to offer its students the opportunity to perform research and build predictive models on customer search behaviors,” said Diliberto. “UConn students were able to discern some very key patterns in large quantities of disconnected messages.”

Presentations were held at Priceline’s headquarters in Norwalk, Conn. on December 5, where the panel voted on the winning team based on both deliverable and presentation skills.

The winners of the challenge are:ย Jennifer Eigo,ย Chandra Karri,ย Dilip Sagar Manjunath, andย Daniel Silvis. Each winning team member received a $300 gift card to use online, and all challenge participants received 15% off their next purchase.

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