Qing Cao
Associate Professor
Management &
Education/Professional Certification
Ph.D. in Strategic Management. University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business
College Park, MD, USA.
B.S. in International Business. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Management
Shanghai, China.
Areas of Expertise
Strategic entrepreneurship; CEO and top management; managerial social capital; management in transition economies
Featured Publications
- Li, D., Wei, L-Q., Cao, Q., & Chen, D. Informal institutions, entrepreneurs’ political participation, and venture internationalization. Forthcoming, Journal of International Business Studies.
- Cao, Q., Simsek, Z., & Jansen, J. 2015. CEO social capital and entrepreneurial orientation of the firm: Bonding and bridging effects. Journal of Management, 41: 1957-1981.
- Qian, C., Cao, Q., & Takeuchi, R. 2013. Top management team functional diversity to
organizational innovation in China: The moderating effects of environment. Strategic
Management Journal, 34: 110-120. - Jansen, J., Simsek, Z., & Cao, Q. 2012. Ambidexterity and performance in multi-unit contexts:
Cross-level moderating effects of structural and resource attributes. Strategic
Management Journal, 33: 1286-1303. - Gedajlovic, E., Cao, Q., & Zhang, H. 2012. Corporate shareholdings and organizational
ambidexterity in high-tech SMEs: Evidence from a transitional economy. Journal of
Business Venturing, 27: 652-665. - Zhang, X., Cao, Q., & Tjosvold, D. 2011. Linking transformational leadership and team
performance: A conflict management approach. Journal of Management Studies, 48:
1586-1611. - Cao, Q., Simsek, Z., & Zhang, H. 2010. Modeling the joint impact of the CEO and the TMT on
organizational ambidexterity. Journal of Management Studies, 47: 1272-1296. - Cao, Q., Gedajlovic, E., & Zhang, H. 2009. Unpacking ambidexterity: Dimensions,
contingencies, and synergistic effects. Organization Science, 20: 781-796. - Smith, K. G., & Cao, Q. 2007. An entrepreneurial perspective of firm-environment relationship.
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1 (3-4): 329-344. - Cao, Q., Maruping, L., & Takeuchi, R. 2006. Disentangling the effects of CEO turnover and
succession on organizational capabilities: A social network perspective. Organization
Science, 17: 563-576. - Gupta, A. K., & Cao, Q. 2005. A strategic embeddedness analysis of global business teams:
Directions for future research. In D. L. Shapiro, M. A. Von Glinow, & J. L. C. Cheng
(Eds.), Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives: 233-248. Oxford:

qing.cao@uconn.edu | |
Phone | +1 (860) 486-8837 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1041 |