Richard N. Dino
Associate Professor Emeritus
Director, Innovation Quest Program
Management &
Education/Professional Certification
Ph.D. (1977): State University of New York at Buffalo
M.A. (1975): State University of New York at Buffalo
B.S. (1972) with High Distinction: Pennsylvania State University
Areas of Expertise
Entrepreneurial Thinking; Opportunity Identification, Assessment and Capture
Founder CEOs
Small to medium-sized, closely-held businesses
Rich is Associate Professor Emeritus in the Management Department at the University of Connecticut School of Business. He recently stepped-down as Director of the University’s Innovation Quest Program (2012-2022), which fosters innovation and entrepreneurship across UConn with a focus on creating companies and jobs, and now serves as an Innovation Quest Mentor.
He served in numerous leadership positions in the School of Business including: Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Business Partnering and External Alliances; Founding Executive Director of the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CCEI); Co-Director of the Innovation Research Experience for Undergraduates (iREU) Program in the Chemical, Materials and Biomolecular Engineering Department in the School of Engineering; Co-Director of the Entrepreneurial Senior Design Program (ESDP) in the School of Engineering; Executive Director of the Institute for Developing Entrepreneurial Advantage; and Founding Director of the Family Business Program. He developed and led the implementation of the Business School’s strategic thrust in high impact experiential learning and served as the principal architect of the School’s strategy and tactics to move from regional dominance to national platform rankings. He co-developed edgelab, a UConn-General Electric Company Partnership and envisioned and built the SS&C Technologies Financial Accelerator and the Graduate Business Learning Center in Hartford.
Professor Dino continues to teach undergraduate, MBA, and executive level students in the areas of entrepreneurial thinking and opportunity identification, assessment, and capture. His research focused on small to medium-sized, closely-held businesses, Angel Investing and Founder-CEOs and has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, the Journal of Business Venturing, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Managerial and Decision Economics, Venture Capital, and Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, among others. In 2011, he co-edited a book entitled In search of research excellence: Exemplars in entrepreneurship, with Ronald K. Mitchell.
Before joining the University of Connecticut in 1995, Dr. Dino spent more than two decades in the business world, working for several firms including Eastman Kodak, Corning, Inc. and Xerox. He has extensive experience as an entrepreneur having started four enterprises and has served on the advisory boards of high technology start-ups.
Featured Publications
- Dino, Richard N. Crossing boundaries: Toward integrating creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship research through practice. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (Volume 9, No. 2, 2015).
- Florin, Juan, Dino, Richard N., and Huvaj, Nesij. Research on angel investing: A multilevel framework for an emerging domain of inquiry. Venture Capital – An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (Volume 15, Issue 1, 2013).
- Mitchell, R. K. & Dino, R. N. (March 2011). In search of research excellence: Exemplars in entrepreneurship, Northhampton MA: Edward Elgar
- Mitchell, R. K., Brigham, K. H., Walker, H. J. and Dino, R.N. (March 2011). In search of entrepreneurship research excellence: A person-environment fit approach. Book Chapter in Ronald K. Mitchell & Richard N. Dino, In search of research excellence: Exemplars in entrepreneurship, Northhampton MA: Edward Elgar.
- Simsek, Z., Lubatkin, M., Veiga, J., and Dino, R. The role of an entrepreneurially alert information system in promoting corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Research (2009).
- Golden, T. D., Veiga, J., and Dino, R. The impact of professional isolation on the performance and turnover intentions of teleworkers: does time spent teleworking, interacting face-to-face, or having access to communication-enhancing technology matter? Journal of Applied Psychology (2008).
- Schulze, W. S., Lubatkin, M. H., and Dino, R. Exploring the agency consequences of ownership dispersion among the directors of private family firms. In “Family Business” edited by Joseph H. Astrachan, Torsten M. Pieper, and Peter Jaskiewicz. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Glensanda House, Montpellier Parade (2008).
- Simsek, Z., Veiga, J., Lubatkin, M. and Dino, R. Modeling the multilevel determinants of top management team behavioral integration. Academy of Management Journal, 2005.
- Lubatkin, M., Schulze, W. S., Ling, Y, and Dino, R. The effects of parental altruism on the governance of family-managed firms. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2005.
- Schulze, W.S., Lubatkin, M, and Dino, R. Agency relationships in family firms, Book chapter in Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.: UK. Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy. Edited by R. Watson, K. Keasey, S. Thomson, and M. Wright, 2005.
- Veiga, J.F., Dino, R. Thompson, J., Chow, I, O’Higgins, E., and Al Khalifa, A. The ethics of cyberveillance in a global context. The Review of Business Information Systems, 2004.
- Schulze, W. S., Lubatkin, M.H., and Dino, R. Exploring the agency consequences of ownership dispersion among inside directors at family firms. Academy of Management Journal, 2003.
- Schulze, W. S., Lubatkin, M.H., and Dino R.Toward a theory of agency and altruism in family firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 2003.
- Schulze, W.S., and Lubatkin, M., and Dino, R. Altruism, agency, and the competitiveness of family firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2002.
- Schulze, W., Lubatkin, M., Dino, R. and Buchholtz, A.K. Agency relationships in family firms: theory and evidence. Organization Science, 2001. | |
Phone | +1 (860) 655-3466 |
Mailing Address | Unit 1041 |
Office Location | BUSN 339 |
Campus | Storrs |