Travis Grosser

Interim Department Head

Boucher Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Education/Professional Certification

  • B.S., University of Kansas
  • M.B.A., University of Kansas
  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Areas of Expertise

  • Intra-Organizational Social Networks
  • Employee Creativity and Innovation
  • Organizational Change
  • Organizational Attachment and Identification
  • Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration


Travis Grosser is an Associate Professor of Management and the former Academic Director of graduate programs in Human Resource Management at the University of Connecticut. He earned his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Kentucky, with concentrations in organizational behavior and social network analysis. His research interests include: the antecedents and consequences of social networks in the workplace, employee innovation and creativity, knowledge sharing & collaboration, and organizational change. Grosser is a member of the Academy of Management and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He is on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Group & Organization Management. He has conducted field research and consulted with a number of large corporations and small nonprofit organizations. He has published his research in outlets such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management.

Links: My Google Scholar Page; UConn “Husky Pack” Website

Featured Publications

  • Grosser, T.J., Sterling, C.M., Piplani, R.S. (2023). Energized people in prominent places: Political support networks, relational energy, and employee innovation implementation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 1145-1163.
    • Grosser, T.J., Sterling, C.M., Piplani, R., Cullen-Lester, K., & Floyd, T.M. (2023). A social network perspective on workplace inclusion: The role of network closure, network centrality, and need for affiliation. Human Resource Management, 62, 477-490.
    • Floyd, T.M., Cullen-Lester, K.L., Lester, H.F., Grosser, T.J. (2023). Emphasizing “me” or “we”: Training framing and self-concept in network-based leadership development. Human Resource Management, 62, 637-659.
      • Woehler, M., Floyd, T., Shah, N., Marineau, J. Sung, W., Grosser, T. J., Fagan, J. M., Labianca, G. (2021). Turnover during a corporate merger: How workplace network change influences staying. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1939-1949.
      • Park, S., Grosser, T.J. Roebuck., A.A., & Mathieu, J.E. (2020). Understanding work teams from a network perspective: A review and future research directions. Journal of Management, 46, 1002-1028.
      • Park, S., Mathieu, J.E, & Grosser, T.J. (2020). A network conceptualization of team conflict. Academy of Management Review, 45, 352-375.
      • Grosser, T.J., Obstfeld, D., Labianca, G., & Borgatti, S. P. (2019). Measuring mediation and separation brokerage orientations: A further step toward studying the social network brokerage process. Academy of Management Discoveries, 5, 114-136.
      • Grosser, T.J., Obstfeld, D., Choi, E. W., Whoeler, M. L., Lopez-Kidwell, V., Labianca, G., & Borgatti, S. P. (2018). A sociopolitical perspective on employee innovativeness and performance: The role of political skill and network structure. Organization Science, 29, 612-632.
      • Grosser, T.J., Venkataramani, V., & Labianca, G. (2017). An alter-centric perspective on employee innovation: The importance of creative self-efficacy and network structure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 1360-1374.
      • Sung, W., Whoeler, M.L., Fagan, J.M., Grosser, T.J., Floyd, T, & Labianca, G. (2017). Employee responses to an organizational merger: Intraindividual change in organizational identification, attachment, and turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102, 910-934.
      • Lopez-Kidwell, V., Grosser, T.J., Dineen, B.R., and Borgatti, S.P. (2013). What matters when: A multistage model and empirical examination of job search effort. Academy of Management Journal, 56, 1655-1678.
      • Venkataramani, V., Labianca, G., and Grosser, T.J. (2013). Positive and negative workplace relationships, social satisfaction, and organizational attachment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 1028-1039.
          Contact Information

          Phone+1 (860) 486-3482
          Mailing AddressUnit 1041
          Office LocationBUSN 338
          CoursesMGMT 5650 - Interpersonal Relations, Influence, and Ethical Leadership; MGMT 6201 - Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Behavior
          Download CV